BlueSpice/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Markierung: 2017-Quelltext-Bearbeitung)

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BlueSpice MediaWiki[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

BlueSpice is an open source business wiki for professional knowledge and information management. It is based on MediaWiki, the software of Wikipedia (therefore "BlueSpice MediaWiki") enhancing it with enterprise functions such as

  • a visual editor for simple and intuitive text and table editing,
  • a high-performance search (Elastic Search),
  • interfaces to common enterprise IT applications (e.g. LDAP),
  • administrative rights including user and group management,
  • improvements with regard to system / IT security as well as
  • custom trainings and complementary services.

BlueSpice is programmed in PHP and can be operated on Windows and Linux systems. In order to guarantee the stability and expandability of the system, the programming code of MediaWiki is not modified. BlueSpice is published under the GPL v3 license and delivered in three editions:

BlueSpice free[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

BlueSpice free is a free of charge extraction from BlueSpice pro with a smaller range of functions (see Functions at a glance). The software is mainly used by teams and smaller companies / organizations that need a central knowledge base or are looking for a MediaWiki with more convenience and business functions.

BlueSpice pro[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

As an enterprise wiki, BlueSpice pro is optimized for use in medium-sized and large companies as well as in public institutions and organizations. The software is delivered with an extended range of functions (see Functions at a glance), a growing number of extensions and professional support. BlueSpice pro extends BlueSpice free with the following functions:

  • a workflow tool for professional quality assurance (including read, write, comment, delete and release rights),
  • organization manuals including an export function (PDF),
  • semantic functions to work effectively with forms and metadata and to implement statistics,
  • comment and blog functions (BlueSpice Social) as well as
  • professional suppoert services.

By the way, this wiki runs on BlueSpice pro.

BlueSpice farm[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Our wiki farm enables you to create and manage several wikis on one server. For example for internal information, departments and teams, product variants, other languages, projects or for archiving knowledge in deactivated wikis. The wiki farm is compatible with BlueSpice free as well as BlueSpice pro.

BlueSpice editions at a glance[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The following table illustrates the differences between MediaWiki and the BlueSpice editions free, pro and farm:

MediaWiki BlueSpice free BlueSpice pro BlueSpice farm
Developer Wikimedia foundation and MediaWiki community Hallo Welt! GmbH and MediaWiki community
Open Source Yes Yes Yes Yes
Target audience Platform for Wikipedia and sister projects, as well as private individuals and smaller organizations Company wiki for teams and smaller organizations Enterprise wiki for medium-sized and large companies and organizations
Use case/s
  • Knowledge base
  • Online encyclopedia
  • Knowledge base
  • Management system
  • Documentation system
  • Organizational manual
  • Knowledge base
Visual editor Plugin Yes Yes Yes
Professional search Plugin Yes Yes Yes
Quality assurance Nein Plugin Yes Yes
Manuals Plugin Plugin Yes Yes
Data analysis / semantics Plugin Plugin Yes Yes
BlueSpice Social No No Yes Yes
Subwikis No Plugin Plugin Yes
Connections Plugin
  • Central authentication
  • Links to external files
  • Working with external documents
  • Connection to your enterprise search
  • Connection of external data sources


Community support Community support professional support (contingent) und community support
Complementary services No
  • Installation, migration, updates
  • Individual programming (customizing)
  • Branding package
  • Trainings and workshops
Technical provision Self installation
  • Own server (on premise)
  • External server (hosting)
  • Virtual machine
  • Docker
Flexibility Within the scope of the given product Step-by-step development of further enterprise functions by Hallo Welt! GmbH

Applications / Use Cases[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Integrated management system (IMS)

An IMS serves the systematic and structured documentation of processes, structures, information and company knowledge. With BlueSpice, you combine individual management systems such as quality management, risk and compliance management in accordance with ISO certification standards to form a web-based system for holistic corporate management.


With BlueSpice, you ensure that your employees professionally document business-critical information and quickly find it when needed. Typical applications are, for example, IT documentation, technical documentation or project and process documentation.

Organization and department manuals

In addition to the documentation of information at company level (goalsetting, strategy, structure and process organization), BlueSpice is ideally suited to document knowledge and information from individual departments and project teams (e. g. procurement manual, sales manual, IT emergency manual). Whatever you decide: With BlueSpice you are ready to bundle your corporate manuals under one central roof.

Flexible knowledge base

The effective management of company knowledge is a central competitive factor. With BlueSpice, knowledge- and information-based offers of all kinds can be realized for employees, customers, partners and other interest groups. In addition to the organization of team and department knowledge, this also includes online helpdesks, glossaries, FAQs and best practices or a knowledge base for public relations. With BlueSpice you experience knowledge management on a new level.

Functional overview[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Content structuring[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Link and organize knowledge like in Wikipedia

Whether classically structured or highly dynamic: BlueSpice is the software of choice to optimally manage your company knowledge. You work with exactly the same tools that have made Wikipedia unbeatable: categories, references and links, rooms for protected content, forwarding, templates and much more.

High performance search[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Find information quickly and reliably

Search articles and file attachments (e.g. PDF and office documents) with a high performance fulltext and title search as well as a fuzzy search. Filtering the search results delivers fast and perfect results. You can also find your content by searching and browsing the metadata.

Visual editor[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Create and edit appealing articles

Use a sophisticated WYSIWYG editor with numerous formatting options for texts and tables (headings, font styles, colors, etc.). Insert images quickly and easily using "Drag & Drop". Working with links and categories is as comfortable as inserting tags and checkboxes.

Dynamic content[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Enrich your wiki pages with additional content

Upload image galleries or videos and create content straight in BlueSpice using image maps, tables, process diagrams ( or semantic data. Use widgets to embed content like podcasts, presentations or street maps. With APIs you can connect a Lotus Notes database or SharePoint document lists.

Document management[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Direct access to office documents

Add Word, Excel or PDF documents to Wiki articles – multiple uploads, categorization and versioning included. With the appropriate server configuration, office documents can be sorted and edited directly in your Wiki. This is convenient, time-saving and improves productivity substantially.

Reporting[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Trace changes to content in a targeted manner

BlueSpice provides the unique set of reporting and notification functions from Wikipedia. This allows you to track the latest changes in name- spaces, categories, linked pages or user changes. You can also find content that has not been edited for a long time. Your dashboard keeps you informed at all times.

Export[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Process wiki contents externally

With BlueSpice articles can be exported in numerous formats: DOCX, XML, HTML and PDF. The „export tables“ function is particularly helpful: Not only tables from articles, but also overviews from the Wiki administration can be converted into CSV or XLXS tables and further processed (e.g. the overview of user rights).

Administration[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Manage user rights conveniently

BlueSpice makes the administration of your wiki child‘s play. You can set up users, namespaces, groups and rights using graphical interfaces and assign defined roles. As an administrator, you can also rename and merge accounts, copy articles or replace text parts in all articles.

Infrastructure and security[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

System integration and secure interfaces

„Under the hood“ BlueSpice offers important security functions. The connection to a central authentication system (LDAP /AD, SAML) is as self-evident as the provision of APIs. In general, the script language Lua opens up many design possibilities for developers, e.g. the automation of templates.

Personalization[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Customizable user interfaces

The user page not only gives you access to your online profile, but also allows you to store notes. User settings help you to configure functions such as notification mails. And with the help of the dashbo- ard and your personal navigation bar, you can get straight to the topics that are of particular interest for you.

Layout and design[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Adaptation to your corporate design

We can adapt the user interface of BlueSpice to your corporate design according to your wishes. This is done by adapting the BlueSpice skin or by in- troducing your own individual skin. The quickest way to design your wiki is using the FlexiSkin function and adapt the logo, colors and backgrounds there.

Responsivity[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Access your wiki from anywhere at any time

You can search, browse and edit articles with mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones. Or take a look at your latest notifications and stay up to date about the activities in your wiki.

The following functions are exclusively included in BlueSpice pro:

Quality assurance[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Coordinate appraisals and approvals

Observe articles and get notified about changes. You can assign articles to specific editors or activate a review and approval mechanism. Further functions such as the resubmission of articles or the marking of an article as „obsolete“ complete the quality assurance.

Manuals[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Easy to create and export

Combine individual articles from your Wiki and create manuals, documentations or instructions including navigation. Export your manuals and add file attachments, a clickable table of contents and a cover page in your individual corporate design.

Data analysis / semantics[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Linking and reading structured data

BlueSpice pro supports the handling of metadata like no other wiki. Thanks to adaptable semantic forms, articles can be enriched with additional information like queries, diagrams and timelines. Typical metadata is, for example, the release date, the date of the last editing or information about the author.

Collaboration[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Discuss revisions in a team

With BlueSpice pro you can discuss changes to an article, follow discussions and collect and evaluate ideas. In a central timeline, discussions are merged and become individually filterable. And in the wiki‘s internal blog employees learn about major revisions, campaigns and news from the author community.

About Us[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Idea, history and present[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

BlueSpice is the result of a multitude of MediaWiki projects. It all started with the development of a corporate Wiki for IBM Germany in 2007. The project named bluepedia was initiated by Gunter Dueck. The complementary software components were initially distributed under the name HalloWiki Sunrise. In 2010, the "Hallo Welt! Medienwerkstatt" decided to publish their solution under the name BlueSpice for MediaWiki as free software. Today BlueSpice is a brand of Hello Welt! GmbH, a worldwide leading provider and consultant for MediaWiki solutions. With our growing team of over 20 employees, we serve over 200 national and international customers.

Business model[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Our company finances itself by selling BlueSpice pro subscriptions. Various services complement our offer (installation, support, customizing, training ... ). In this way, we ensure that your wiki project is professionally planned and optimally implemented and supported after a successful start. In addition, Hallo Welt! GmbH supplies project customers to implement highly adapted and individually developed wiki solutions.

Sounds interesting? Let‘s wiki together!

Related Links[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Systemvoraussetzungen für den Betrieb von BlueSpice

BlueSpice Helpdesk

Release Notes


        [[Datei:BS Icon 500 500.png|right|200x200px|alternativtext=BlueSpice Icon|BlueSpice Icon]]
        =='''BlueSpice MediaWiki'''==
        BlueSpice is an open source business wiki for professional knowledge and information management. It is based on [[MediaWiki]], the software of Wikipedia (therefore "BlueSpice MediaWiki") enhancing it with enterprise functions such as
        *a visual editor for simple and intuitive text and table editing,
        *a high-performance search ([ Elastic Search]),
        *interfaces to common enterprise IT applications (e.g. LDAP),
        *administrative rights including user and group management,
        *improvements with regard to system / IT security as well as
        *custom trainings and complementary services.
        BlueSpice is programmed in PHP and can be operated on Windows and Linux systems. In order to guarantee the stability and expandability of the system, the programming code of MediaWiki is not modified. BlueSpice is published under the GPL v3 license and delivered in three editions:
        <br />
        ==='''BlueSpice free'''===
        BlueSpice free is a free of charge '''extraction''' from BlueSpice pro with a '''smaller range of functions''' (see [[BlueSpice/en#Functions _at _a _glance|Functions at a glance]]). The software is mainly used by teams and smaller companies / organizations that need a central knowledge base or are looking for a MediaWiki with more convenience and business functions. 
        ===<span class="mw-headline" id="Was_ist_BlueSpice_pro.3F">'''BlueSpice pro'''</span>===
        As an '''enterprise wiki''', BlueSpice pro is optimized for use in '''medium-sized and large companies''' as well as in public institutions and organizations. The software is delivered with an '''extended range of functions''' (see [[BlueSpice/en#Functions _at _a _glance|Functions at a glance]]), a growing number of extensions and professional support. BlueSpice pro extends BlueSpice free with the following functions:
        *a workflow tool for professional quality assurance (including read, write, comment, delete and release rights),
        *organization manuals including an export function (PDF),
        *semantic functions to work effectively with forms and metadata and to implement statistics,
        *comment and blog functions (BlueSpice Social) as well as
        *professional suppoert services.
        By the way, this wiki runs on BlueSpice pro.
        <br />
        ===<span class="mw-headline ve-pasteProtect" id="Was_ist_BlueSpice_pro.3F">'''BlueSpice farm'''</span>===
        Our wiki farm enables you to create and manage several wikis on one server. For example for internal information, departments and teams, product variants, other languages, projects or for archiving knowledge in deactivated wikis. The wiki farm is compatible with BlueSpice free as well as BlueSpice pro. 
        <br />
        =='''BlueSpice editions at a glance'''==
        The following table illustrates the differences between MediaWiki and the BlueSpice editions free, pro and farm: 
        {| class="wikitable"
        ! class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |
        ! class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |'''<span class="col-black">MediaWiki</span>'''
        ! class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |'''<span class="col-black">BlueSpice free</span>'''
        ! class="background-color" style="width:210px;" |'''<span class="col-black">BlueSpice pro</span>'''
        ! class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |'''<span class="col-black">BlueSpice farm</span>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Developer</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Wikimedia foundation and MediaWiki community</small>
        | colspan="3" |<small>Hallo Welt! GmbH and MediaWiki community</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Open Source</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Target audience</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Platform for Wikipedia and sister projects, as well as private individuals and smaller organizations</small>
        |<small>Company wiki for teams and smaller organizations</small>
        | colspan="2" |<small>Enterprise wiki for medium-sized and large companies and organizations</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Use case/s</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |
        *<small>Knowledge base</small>
        *<small>Online encyclopedia</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |
        *<small>Knowledge base</small>
        | colspan="2" |
        *<small>Management system</small>
        *<small>Documentation system</small>
        *<small>Organizational manual</small>
        *<small>Knowledge base</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Visual editor</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Plugin</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:210px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Professional search</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Plugin</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:210px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Quality assurance</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Nein</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Plugin</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:210px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Manuals</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Plugin</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Plugin</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:210px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Data analysis / semantics</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Plugin</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Plugin</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:210px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>BlueSpice Social</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>No</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>No</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:210px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Subwikis</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>No</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Plugin</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:210px;" |<small>Plugin</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Yes</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Connections</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Plugin</small>
        | colspan="3" |
        *<small>Central authentication</small>
        *<small>Links to external files</small>
        *<small>Working with external documents</small>
        *<small>Connection to your enterprise search</small>
        *<small>Connection of external data sources</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Technical</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Community support</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Community support</small>
        | colspan="2" |<small>professional support (contingent) und community support</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Complementary services</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>No</small>
        | colspan="3" |
        *<small>Installation, migration, updates</small>
        *<small>Individual programming (customizing)</small>
        *<small>Branding package</small>
        *<small>Trainings and workshops</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Technical provision</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Self installation</small>
        | colspan="3" |
        *<small>Own server (on premise)</small>
        *<small>External server (hosting)</small>
        *<small>Virtual machine</small>
        | class="background-color" style="width:180px;" |'''<small>Flexibility</small>'''
        | class="background-color" style="width:200px;" |<small>Within the scope of the given product</small>
        | colspan="3" |<small>Step-by-step development of further enterprise functions by Hallo Welt! GmbH</small>
        |}<br />
        =='''Applications / Use Cases'''==
        <span class="col-turquoise">Integrated management system (IMS)</span>
        An IMS serves the systematic and structured documentation of [[QM:Prozessbeschreibungen|processes]], structures, information and company knowledge. With BlueSpice, you combine individual management systems such as [[QM:Qualitätsmanagement (Portal)|quality management]], risk and compliance management in accordance with ISO certification standards to form a web-based system for holistic corporate management. 
        <span class="col-turquoise">Documentation</span>
        With BlueSpice, you ensure that your employees professionally document business-critical information and quickly find it when needed. Typical applications are, for example, [[IT-Dokumentation|IT documentation]], [[Technische Dokumentation|technical documentation]] or project and process documentation.
        <span class="col-turquoise">Organization and department manuals</span>
        In addition to the documentation of information at company level (goalsetting, strategy, structure and process organization), BlueSpice is ideally suited to document knowledge and information from individual departments and project teams (e. g. procurement manual, sales manual, IT emergency manual). Whatever you decide: With BlueSpice you are ready to bundle your corporate manuals under one central roof. 
        <span class="col-turquoise">Flexible knowledge base</span>
        The effective management of company knowledge is a central competitive factor. With BlueSpice, knowledge- and information-based offers of all kinds can be realized for employees, customers, partners and other interest groups. In addition to the organization of team and department knowledge, this also includes online helpdesks, glossaries, FAQs and best practices or a knowledge base for public relations. With BlueSpice you experience knowledge management on a new level.
        <br />
        =='''Functional overview'''==
        <br />
        ===Content structuring===
        <span class="col-turquoise">Link and organize knowledge like in Wikipedia</span> 
        Whether classically structured or highly dynamic: BlueSpice is the software of choice to optimally manage your company knowledge. You work with exactly the same tools that have made Wikipedia unbeatable: categories, references and links, rooms for protected content, forwarding, templates and much more.
        ===High performance search===
        <span class="col-turquoise">Find information quickly and reliably</span>
        Search articles and file attachments (e.g. PDF and office documents) with a high performance fulltext and title search as well as a fuzzy search. Filtering the search results delivers fast and perfect results. You can also find your content by searching and browsing the metadata.
        ===Visual editor===
        <span class="col-turquoise">Create and edit appealing articles</span>
        Use a sophisticated WYSIWYG editor with numerous formatting options for texts and tables (headings, font styles, colors, etc.). Insert images quickly and easily using "Drag & Drop". Working with links and categories is as comfortable as inserting tags and checkboxes. 
        ===Dynamic content===
        <span class="col-turquoise">Enrich your wiki pages with additional content</span>
        Upload image galleries or videos and create content straight in BlueSpice using image maps, tables, process diagrams ( or semantic data. Use widgets to embed content like podcasts, presentations or street maps. With APIs you can connect a Lotus Notes database or SharePoint document lists. 
        ===Document management===
        <span class="col-turquoise">Direct access to office documents</span>
        Add Word, Excel or PDF documents to Wiki articles – multiple uploads, categorization and versioning included. With the appropriate server configuration, office documents can be sorted and edited directly in your Wiki. This is convenient, time-saving and improves productivity substantially.
        <span class="col-turquoise">Trace changes to content in a targeted manner</span>
        BlueSpice provides the unique set of reporting and notification functions from Wikipedia. This allows you to track the latest changes in name- spaces, categories, linked pages or user changes. You can also find content that has not been edited for a long time. Your dashboard keeps you informed at all times.
        <span class="col-turquoise">Process wiki contents externally</span>
        With BlueSpice articles can be exported in numerous formats: DOCX, XML, HTML and PDF. The „export tables“ function is particularly helpful: Not only tables from articles, but also overviews from the Wiki administration can be converted into CSV or XLXS tables and further processed (e.g. the overview of user rights).
        <span class="col-turquoise">Manage user rights conveniently</span>
        BlueSpice makes the administration of your wiki child‘s play. You can set up users, namespaces, groups and rights using graphical interfaces and assign defined roles. As an administrator, you can also rename and merge accounts, copy articles or replace text parts in all articles.
        ===Infrastructure and security===
        <span class="col-turquoise">System integration and secure interfaces</span>
        „Under the hood“ BlueSpice offers important security functions. The connection to a central authentication system (LDAP /AD, SAML) is as self-evident as the provision of APIs. In general, the script language Lua opens up many design possibilities for developers, e.g. the automation of templates.
        <span class="col-turquoise">Customizable user interfaces</span>
        The user page not only gives you access to your online profile, but also allows you to store notes. User settings help you to configure functions such as notification mails. And with the help of the dashbo- ard and your personal navigation bar, you can get straight to the topics that are of particular interest for you.
        ===Layout and design===
        <span class="col-turquoise">Adaptation to your corporate design</span>
        We can adapt the user interface of BlueSpice to your corporate design according to your wishes. This is done by adapting the BlueSpice skin or by in- troducing your own individual skin. The quickest way to design your wiki is using the FlexiSkin function and adapt the logo, colors and backgrounds there.
        <span class="col-turquoise">Access your wiki from anywhere at any time</span>
        You can search, browse and edit articles with mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones. Or take a look at your latest notifications and stay up to date about the activities in your wiki.
        '''The following functions are exclusively included in BlueSpice pro:'''
        <br />
        ===Quality assurance===
        <span class="col-turquoise">Coordinate appraisals and approvals</span>
        '''<span class="col-blue"></span>'''
        Observe articles and get notified about changes. You can assign articles to specific editors or activate a review and approval mechanism. Further functions such as the resubmission of articles or the marking of an article as „obsolete“ complete the quality assurance.
        <span class="col-turquoise">Easy to create and export</span>
        Combine individual articles from your Wiki and create manuals, documentations or instructions including navigation. Export your manuals and add file attachments, a clickable table of contents and a cover page in your individual corporate design.
        ===Data analysis / semantics===
        <span class="col-turquoise">Linking and reading structured data</span>
        BlueSpice pro supports the handling of metadata like no other wiki. Thanks to adaptable semantic forms, articles can be enriched with additional information like queries, diagrams and timelines. Typical metadata is, for example, the release date, the date of the last editing or information about the author.
        <span class="col-turquoise">Discuss revisions in a team</span>
        With BlueSpice pro you can discuss changes to an article, follow discussions and collect and evaluate ideas. In a central timeline, discussions are merged and become individually filterable. And in the wiki‘s internal blog employees learn about major revisions, campaigns and news from the author community.
        <br />
        =='''About Us'''==
        ===Idea, history and present===
        BlueSpice is the result of a multitude of MediaWiki projects. It all started with the development of a corporate Wiki for IBM Germany in 2007. The project named bluepedia was initiated by [ Gunter Dueck]. The complementary software components were initially distributed under the name HalloWiki Sunrise. In 2010, the "Hallo Welt! Medienwerkstatt" decided to publish their solution under the name BlueSpice for MediaWiki as free software. Today BlueSpice is a brand of Hello Welt! GmbH, a worldwide leading provider and consultant for MediaWiki solutions. With our growing team of over 20 employees, we serve over 200 national and international customers.
        ===Business model===
        Our company finances itself by selling BlueSpice pro subscriptions. Various services complement our offer (installation, support, customizing, training ... ). In this way, we ensure that your wiki project is professionally planned and optimally implemented and supported after a successful start. In addition, Hallo Welt! GmbH supplies project customers to implement highly adapted and individually developed wiki solutions.
        Sounds interesting? Let‘s wiki together!
        <br />
        =='''Related Links'''==
        [ Systemvoraussetzungen für den Betrieb von BlueSpice]
        [ BlueSpice Helpdesk]
        [ Release Notes]
        [ Installationsanleitung]
Zeile 15: Zeile 15:
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==='''BlueSpice free'''===
==='''BlueSpice free'''===
BlueSpice free is a free of charge '''extraction''' from BlueSpice pro with a '''smaller range of functions''' (see [[BlueSpice/en#Functions at a glance|Functions at a glance]]). The software is mainly used by teams and smaller companies / organizations that need a central knowledge base or are looking for a MediaWiki with more convenience and business functions.  
BlueSpice free is a free of charge '''extraction''' from BlueSpice pro with a '''smaller range of functions''' (see [[BlueSpice/en#Functions_at_a_glance|Functions at a glance]]). The software is mainly used by teams and smaller companies / organizations that need a central knowledge base or are looking for a MediaWiki with more convenience and business functions.  
===<span class="mw-headline" id="Was_ist_BlueSpice_pro.3F">'''BlueSpice pro'''</span>===
===<span class="mw-headline" id="Was_ist_BlueSpice_pro.3F">'''BlueSpice pro'''</span>===
As an '''enterprise wiki''', BlueSpice pro is optimized for use in '''medium-sized and large companies''' as well as in public institutions and organizations. The software is delivered with an '''extended range of functions''' (see [[BlueSpice/en#Functions at a glance|Functions at a glance]]), a growing number of extensions and professional support. BlueSpice pro extends BlueSpice free with the following functions:
As an '''enterprise wiki''', BlueSpice pro is optimized for use in '''medium-sized and large companies''' as well as in public institutions and organizations. The software is delivered with an '''extended range of functions''' (see [[BlueSpice/en#Functions_at_a_glance|Functions at a glance]]), a growing number of extensions and professional support. BlueSpice pro extends BlueSpice free with the following functions:
*a workflow tool for professional quality assurance (including read, write, comment, delete and release rights),
*a workflow tool for professional quality assurance (including read, write, comment, delete and release rights),